The Do’s and Don’ts of Corporate Video Production

Do's and Dont's Corporate Video

Every company should consider creating corporate video content because of how effective and persuasive videos can be in delivering brand’s messages and stories. It also helps that videos can be used in a lot of different ways to help you achieve different types of corporate goals.

So, what exactly is a Corporate Video?

A corporate video describes all types of videos that are used to promote and raise awareness of a company’s brand. They are an incredible way to engage audiences because they are shareable and dynamic.

The production of a corporate video will always include a large amount of creativity through the use of storytelling, an engaging and captivating message, and professional production by video production agencies.

What is Corporate Video Production?

Corporate video production is the process which involves all the steps needed to create a professional video made by a company.

Usually, for these corporate video productions, companies will collaborate with video production companies who have had previous and significant experience in creating high quality videos.

Partnering with these production agencies ensures companies of a great corporate video output, especially if the employees in the company do not have much experience in producing a video.

corporate video filming

Table of Contents

4 Reasons Why You Should Create Corporate Videos

Now that you have a better idea of what corporate videos and corporate video productions are, here are 4 reasons why you should create these videos for your business:

1. Corporate videos are an entertaining way of telling your brand story.

With corporate videos, you will be able to tell the story of your brand in an interesting and entertaining way. These videos give brands the opportunity to present a story that features their products and its benefits.

An advantage of posting corporate videos online instead of airing it on television is that you will not have any commercial restraints that will limit how long your video should be.

However, even without these restrictions, you should also consider the optimal length of the story you want to tell. Typically, corporate videos can range from 30 seconds to even 10 minutes depending on its content and story.

2. Search engines like to favor videos in their search results.

Search engines will favor video content over other types of content in their search results if you are able to provide the relevant content that users search for and optimise them properly.

A few ways you can optimize your corporate videos include writing interesting articles and descriptions that will contain the keywords you want to rank high for and adding a link back to your website and the specific products or services.

As long as you are able to focus on doing these to help you optimise your videos, you will get better search results rankings and have more people view your videos and check out your brand.

3. Corporate videos are an effective way to push audiences to perform an action for your brand.

Creating corporate videos gives businesses an effective way to convince and push your audiences to perform a certain action through a call to action prompt that you should include in your video.

The content of your corporate video should guide your viewers to perform an action whether it is visiting your website, purchasing your products, signing up for a newsletter, or sharing the video.

If you have an entertaining and relevant video as well as the appropriate call to action, then your video can lead you to a high number of conversions.

4. Consumers will be able to engage and share your corporate videos.

One of the main reasons why you would want to create corporate videos is because it is a great way for consumers to share and engage with your business through these videos.

Videos on social media have a 1200% higher share rate compared to video posts and text posts combined.

When you make compelling video content, more people would want to engage with it through likes, comments, and most importantly, shares. When people share your videos, they are basically advertising your business for free to their friends and families.

These shares and recommendations can be vital for your business as a lot of consumers are now basing their purchases on the recommendations that they get from their social media network of friends and family.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Corporate Video Production

Here are all the important do’s and don’ts of corporate video production which should help you create the best types of corporate videos that can achieve all of your business goals and objectives:

corporate video

1. Do establish clear goals and objectives

To ensure the success of your corporate video, it is crucial that you are able to invest a good amount of time establishing clear goals and objectives before you start filming for it.

You may want to engage with your audience and go over the products or the history of your company through an engaging story. You can accomplish this if you have a well-written script.

You will not lose sight of the original purpose of your video as long as you are able to start off your corporate video production with clear goals and objectives before filming.

2. Don’t push too hard to sell your products

Your corporate video should not just focus on hard selling and pushing people too much to perform a certain action. The window of the call to action in your video should be the only point in your video you can tell your audience to invest in your product.

Trying to push for anything more than that will look overplayed and unprofessional. If you keep on telling your audience to buy your products, it will make them weary of your message.

A product that is pushed too hard through a corporate video will eventually affect your conversion rates in a negative manner.

3. Do define the target audience of your video clearly

When you are trying to establish the goals and objectives of your videos, it is also crucial that you can define the target audience of your video clearly. This way, you will know exactly how to create the content and cater it to that specific audience.

It is important that you should narrow the content of your corporate video to fit the target audience instead of just trying to appeal to the general masses.

This places more focus on what you are trying to do and will also help you achieve the goals and objectives you have established for the video.

4. Don’t include too much information in the corporate video

While you will have to provide your target audiences who will watch your corporate video with the content and material that they are looking for, you must also make sure the video does not contain too much information.

What you should focus on when making your video is to ensure that you just include all of the important parts and information in it. If there is too much information, your viewers will become overwhelmed and miss out on the details you want them to remember.

To be safe, you would want your video to be within the range of 30 seconds to 5 minutes to effectively hold the complete attention of your audience. Try to plan out how your important information will fit within this time range.

5. Do make sure to connect with your audience

You should take your time to make sure that the story of  your corporate video will connect with your target audiences. One of your main goals should be creating video content that will strike the emotions of your audience.

These videos do not always have to be too dramatic or serious as you can also strike emotions of joy and happiness through funny stories. What is important is that you get to leave a positive lasting impression on your viewers.

This emotional impact will prove to be valuable as purchases can be the result of an emotional decision. People will look for products that make a meaningful impact on their emotions and feelings.

6. Don’t rush the production of the video

One of the most vital steps for creating your corporate video is the actual production and shooting process itself. Taking your time to make sure everything is shot well will make sure that your final video looks polished and ready.

By the time you start production, the script should be well-rehearsed and all the necessary equipment is set up before the production process. When you start filming, you have to double check that all of your lighting and sound is perfect because these can have a huge impact on your video’s quality.

7. Do keep your video short and to the point

Since attention spans on social media have been constantly shrinking over time, you should keep your video short and to the point.

Try to consolidate all of the information that you would like to communicate to create a well-paced story that your audiences will love. It should get the point across in about one to two minutes or even less.

8. Don’t rely on amateurs for your voice over needs

While you may be tempted to save some of your production budget by having someone in-house to do your voice overs, it is a risk that could potentially backfire.

Well-made voice overs add professionalism to your corporate video and this cannot be easily done by people that are not professional voice over artists.

A professional voice over artist will know all the tricks and skills needed to grab your audience’s attention and bring your script to life.

video production

9. Do share authentic stories and content

The audiences of today are so used to consuming content and with that, they can immediately tell when videos are being disingenuous or not.

This is why you need to share authentic stories and content that either your business goes through or what your current customers go through so that audiences can relate to the key message you want to communicate.

10. Don’t let your video’s music steal the spotlight

Having good music is always an important part of a successful corporate video. However, if it stands out too much, your viewers may lose focus of the main message of the video.

The music that you will incorporate into your video should only work to supplement the content and story of the video and not distract the attention of your viewers.

11. Do think about where you want to distribute your videos

It is important to think about where you would want to distribute your videos even as early as pre-production. This gives you more time to plan out what your best options are and not be too overwhelmed with deciding where to post once your video is finalized.

Consider the main options for distribution like video platforms (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram), your social media accounts, and even your website pages.

12. Don’t forget to include a call to action

The goals and objectives you have set out for your corporate video can be measured when it helps you reach certain conversions. This is why you should not forget to include a call to action in all of your videos, especially if conversion is one of your goals.

To increase the likelihood that viewers will perform the action you want them to take, make sure to call it out noticeably in the video itself without being too pushy. While these prompts can mostly be placed at the end of a video, it can also be effective sometimes when placing them at the beginning.

13. Do educate and entertain your audience

Even if most corporate videos are aimed at educating viewers, this does not mean that you can’t entertain them as well.

Today’s viewers expect to be engaged by almost any type of topic as long as it comes from creators and brands that they trust and admire.

14. Don’t immediately assume that most of your viewers will watch with audio

Video content has now become heavily focused on visuals meaning that your main message should be able to stand alone without any audio.

This means that you should focus on preparing captions and relying on some on-screen graphics because not everyone will be able to watch your video with audio.

15. Do measure the performance of your corporate videos

To find out if your corporate video turns out to be successful or not, you will need to measure its performance based on the objectives that you established early on.

Make sure to track your ROI if possible and make sure to take note of the views, engagements, watch statistics, and even sales or revenue that can be attributed to the video.

16. Don’t try to make corporate videos all on your own

Unless you have someone in your team who has had a wealth of experience with corporate videos, doing the production in house is a risk you might not want to take.

Not only will you be taking away your valuable team members from their usual important tasks, but you might not get the result you were looking for as video production may not be their expertise.

That is why it is essential that you work with a company that has had a lot of experience working on corporate videos.

You will still have an important role with who to conceptualize your video but with a production team, experts will be in charge of scriptwriting, shooting, and editing your video.

The 8 Types of Corporate Videos You Can Create

After learning all about the do’s and don’ts of corporate video production, you may be wondering what types of videos you can create. Here are 8 types of corporate videos you can make for your business:

1. Testimonial Videos

These days, consumers place a high value on the opinions and feedback of fellow consumers. From reviews, recommendations, and suggestions, these opinions from shared experiences contain valuable information for consumers who are interested in making a purchase.

These factors are what makes testimonial videos so valuable for businesses. Being able to create the best testimonial videos which puts a spotlight on the positive experiences of your customer can be what will convince potential customers to eventually buy your product.

Here is an example of a testimonial video from ForeSeeHome:

2. Product Demo Videos

If your product or service may initially look a bit complicated to consumers, you may need some explanation or demonstration to make it clear for them by making a product demonstration video.

Product demonstration videos let you showcase the features and benefits of your product and how it generally works. These videos can be beneficial for those customers that are aware but need to know more before buying your product.

Providing them with more valuable information about your product through a video can be what will push them to make an eventual purchase.

Here is an example of a product demo video from Nike Free:

3. Promotional Videos

Promotional videos act as personal invitations through videos for your guests. These invitations can be for a conference, seminar, or a webinar.

These promotional videos give your guests a glimpse of what your event will be about and can also give other audiences a feel for what your brand is and who it caters to.

It is important that you are able to give an overview of your event in these videos in a brief but detailed manner. Also, do not forget to end it with a convincing call to action prompt which will encourage the viewer to register and save the date.

Here is an example of a promotional video from Inbound:

4. Explainer Videos

Explainer videos allow you to educate your audiences on how to perform certain tasks or solve specific problems in a more entertaining and helpful way compared to just reading text.

These videos can be related to your product or can just be about tangential issues. Your viewers should become more knowledgeable on what actions they need to take after watching the videos.

You can fill your FAQ page with explainer videos as they can be a more effective way to show audiences how to solve problems or perform tasks instead of just looking at photos and text.

Here is an example of an explainer video from Microsoft:

5. Event Videos

Brands would normally want to go all out when it comes to promoting and covering their events, seminars, and conferences. These events typically consist of industry experts as speakers, hundreds of attendees, and even parties right after.

However, not a lot of people get to experience these events in person even if they are big fans of the brand. This is why some of the biggest companies now use different clips and footage from their events to highlight the major announcements that people have missed.

Here is an example of an event video from Google:

6. Company Culture Videos

Company culture videos can be one of the most exciting videos to create because it allows you to display the personality of your employees. These videos give customers a sneak peek at all the hardworking people that help create and provide the best products.

These videos are great because it can be one of the best ways to create a more personal connection with your customers. This is because they get to see how your team works and enjoy themselves in the process of creating great products.

Here is an example of a company culture video from Cirrus Logic, Inc:

7. Live Videos

Live videos or live streaming videos allow brands to display a greater sense of authenticity while also creating stronger relationships with their audiences in a way that is not possible with typical filmed videos.

These types of videos can also be a great way to garner real time engagement because live viewers can ask questions and the presenters can read and answer them immediately during the video. This leads to a deeper relationship and a more personalised experience between the viewers and the brand.

Here is an example of a live video from Royal Caribbean:

8. Personalised Videos

Personalised videos are one of the most engaging types of corporate videos because of how it effectively uses the element of personalisation.

These videos make for a more engaging experience for customers because they are able to place the focus completely on the viewer by mentioning and displaying their name, company, or job title in the video itself.

Here is an example of a personalised video from BlueBiz:

If you are looking for a company to work with for your corporate videos, then our team at fewStones can help you out.

Also, if you found this article to be valuable for your corporate video production project, then don’t hesitate to share it on Facebook by clicking the button below so that everyone else can have successful corporate videos too!

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