learning video group

5 Best Software to Create Learning Videos

Creating learning videos is one of the best ways to create high-quality video content for your employees and your customers. You will need to know about the specific software which will help you make the most out of these videos. The best software for learning videos aren’t just great for editing videos, but they should also help you with your goal of training and educating your viewers. This article will cover the 5 best video training software that you can use to create learning videos.

learning group video

5 Best Software to Create Learning Videos

1. Lessonly

Lessonly is a powerful video training software used by over 3 million learners. Creating, uploading, and embedding videos is easy with Lessonly. It has an intuitive drag-and-drop feature which makes it easy to develop great learning video content.

You can combine videos with their own supporting text for more in-depth information. It also has a lot of interactive elements in their lessons like quizzes, flip cards, and peer learning tools.

The videos and lessons in Lessonly are optimised for mobile which makes it easier for employees to use the software wherever they go.

2. Panopto

Panopto is a video training software that is simple to use. Anyone in your company can use it to create and share learning videos online for your employees to watch.

It is a very cost-effective option because it includes a lot of important training features to improve the comprehension and knowledge retention of each viewer.

Learning videos in Panopto have smart chapters which automatically create a table of contents for all of the videos that are available. It also includes questions, quizzes, and analytics to track the engagement of each viewer.

3. LearnWorlds

LearnWorlds is an all-in-one online platform which allows companies to create, sell, and promote their online courses. This software has its own simple video editor which allows you to create the best learning videos.

What makes this software special is that it can help you create interactive videos for learning. It has interactive transcripts, an interactive video player, interactive navigations and end questions.

A high level of interaction in your learning video software leads to more engaged learners. They also have advanced analytics to measure the video interaction each viewer has with a specific video.

4. WireWax

WireWax is a training video software which allows companies to create the best interactive learning experiences through videos. This software has a lot of features and tools for editing and customising the interactivity in each video.

You can distribute these videos globally since it uses a HTML5 video player. It also automatically generates subtitles in multiple languages. These features make it accessible to anyone around the world.

The videos in WireWax contain hotspots which activate audience engagement and highlights the most important points in a video. You can also track the learning speed of each viewer with 140 data points that are gathered in real-time.

5. Loom

Loom is one of the best software options if most of your learning videos are screencasts. It allows you to record your screen and your camera easily and simultaneously.

You can also add buttons which will link to relevant resources in the videos as well as draw on the screen while you record. Loom videos can be easily shared through links and anyone can watch them without creating an account or logging in.

You can even monitor engagement of each learner through reactions and statistics that track who watched your videos and how long they watched them.

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Why is a dedicated video training software important for creating learning videos?

1. A great software will save you a lot of time and resources

The traditional route of instructor-led training means that you have to factor in costs besides your training materials. This may lead to less training sessions because of the large budget you have to allot for each instructor.

Relying heavily on great video software will be a lot more affordable for your business in the long run. This is because you will not need to pay anyone to conduct the training for your employees.

You will only have to spend a one-time cost for the production and creation of your videos. What makes videos so great is that any employee can watch it from anywhere since it is easily available.

2. Videos are a lot more flexible and can easily be customised with a video software

Videos, especially those that are created through a video software, are highly flexible and customisable. These are two important attributes that a training video needs because of how your company will want to cover as many training topics as possible.

Videos can cover a lot of different topics depending on what type of skills and information you want your employees to acquire. They can be used to train new hires and even upskill current employees.

There are a lot of video types you can choose from and create depending on a certain topic. Each video type has its own unique way of communicating information effectively.

3. A dedicated software for creating learning videos makes it easier to measure the effectiveness of your training

It is difficult to measure how effective your training program is if you use traditional training methods. With videos, you can easily track and measure the success of your training.

A dedicated video training software can also include features like quizzes and interactions in videos to make sure that the viewer is paying attention. You can gather the results from these and see how well everyone is doing during training.

You get to access key metrics like number of views, how long viewers have watched, and assessment scores to check the progress of each viewer. This information gives you a better idea of what videos and topics are successful and which ones need improvement.

You can never go wrong with using any of the 5 mentioned software for your learning videos. If you need any more help with creating these videos, our team at fewStones can help you out.

With fewStones, you get to work with experts who use their own video software for creating 2D animated videos, 3D animated videos, and live action videos that will help your employee training program. With our help, you will get to provide the best learning videos for your employees.

You can get a free instant quote on our learning video services and all of our video production services by clicking here.

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