elearning video reading

8 Video Types You Should Use in eLearning

Having variety in your eLearning video content can be an effective way to cover a vast amount of topics. Creating different types of videos to choose from can help make what you’re teaching more interesting, engaging and eye-catching. Some video types can be more appropriate than others when it comes to specific learnings so it’s crucial to know which works best. This article will take a look at eight video types for eLearning that would be convenient for various uses.

elearning video reading

8 Video Types You Should Use in eLearning

1. Lecture videos

A lecture video is the most basic eLearning video that you can create. All you will need is an instructor in front of the camera who will talk about a specific topic. 

It is highly affordable to create these and will still do a great job of educating learners. This is great for lengthy content and for telling stories in a more personable manner.

You can make your lecture videos more interesting by incorporating slides for highlighting important keywords or graphics to visualise crucial points. This keeps the lecture engaging all throughout the video.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aozlwC3XwfY

2. Interview videos

Interview videos are a more dynamic version of a lecture video. This is because instead of just one person talking, there can be two or more. It should involve at least one person asking questions and at least another one that answers them.

This video type is great for eLearning when you have an industry expert with information that you want them to share.

You can use these videos when a conversational approach is the best way to communicate information. You can also use interviews if you want to include viewpoints from partners, customers, or employees.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ug7ZwSEvTk

3. Animated videos

Using animation is a great way for you to deliver fun and engaging eLearning video content. This makes the eLearning experience more interesting and dynamic for everyone.

Animation is perfect for illustrating concepts that may be difficult to explain. It gives you the opportunity to simulate scenarios that may be difficult to perform in real life.

For example, you can animate potential scenarios in the office you want them to avoid. You should make sure that the animation supplements the specific topic you want to cover in the eLearning video.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2O6mQkFiiw

4. Webinars

Webinars are one of the best video types to use for your eLearning video efforts. Webinars are great live content that you can provide to your employees and even your customers. This video type is similar to a presentation video because it includes an industry expert.

However, the difference is this is recorded live and includes interaction with the online viewers. Viewers can act as active participants where they can ask questions during the presentation or during a Q&A at the end.

You can also host this recorded session as regular eLearning video content for your employees and customers where they can watch it at their own time.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlHx-4QjXXU

5. Interactive videos

Interactive videos are perfect for making sure that the viewer is actively learning something in your video. An interactive video is great for eLearning because it fully involves the learner.

Interactive videos give power to the viewers by allowing them to interact with the video content. This could mean answering a question or making a decision in the video which leads to different outcomes.

An interactive video creates new and unique eLearning experiences that are specifically different for each learner. This makes sure that each person gets to evaluate all information at their own pace.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vieQGWlPFYo

6. Slide presentation videos

Slide presentation videos may take a lot of forms, but they will generally feature an industry expert going through a presentation on-screen. This is a great video type that works well for eLearning.

What makes a slide presentation video viable for eLearning is that it doesn’t require a large budget. All you will need is a high-quality slide presentation design and a speaker. After that, all they will need to do is record.

Speakers don’t even need to show their face on camera since the focus will be on the slides. However, if they decide to include their face, they can just use any basic laptop or phone camera.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7o40zO1auY

7. Demonstration videos

Demonstration videos are one of the most important eLearning video types. This is especially true when employees or customers need to know how to work with specific tools and equipment.

Demonstration videos can also cover any specific task that anyone may need help with. Doing this through videos makes it a lot easier for the viewer to learn what to do instead of just reading text and looking at pictures.

They teach new processes in an easier and quicker way. This can lead to more people being knowledgeable and productive through your eLearning videos at a much shorter time.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKBzSdxiNZ4

8. Software tutorials

Whether you want to train new hires or show people how to navigate through an app, it is best to do it through an eLearning video. Software tutorials are a type of video which lets you screencast.

Screencasts let viewers see what the software looks like so you can demonstrate all the instructions they need to follow. This makes it a lot easier than listing instructions down in written form.

This makes it easier for viewers to know which part of the screen they should look at and click to perform the necessary actions. You can accompany these screencasts with a narration so that you can still deliver instructions clearly.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z78QXkbrjOM

All of these 8 different video types should inspire you to create your own vast eLearning video content library for your company.

If you need any help in creating eLearning videos for your business, then our team at fewStones can help you out. With fewStones, you get to work with video production experts who know how to create the best eLearning videos, whether they are animated or live action.

You can get a free instant quote on our eLearning video services and all of our video production services by clicking here.

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