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8 Examples of Effective Videos Every Bank Needs

Video marketing is one of the best ways to promote yourself in any industry. This is especially true in the finance industry. Videos are a powerful way to tell the story of your bank and communicate that to your target audience. They let customers know about what you are offering and how you can help them in different ways. Every bank needs to create high-quality videos but it takes a lot of time and effort to do these right. This article will cover the 8 examples of effective videos every bank needs to give you an idea of what videos to create.

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8 Examples of Effective Videos Every Bank Needs

1. Standard Chartered

Standard Chartered is a British multinational bank that offers banking services all around the world. One of their videos on their YouTube channel is specifically made for their Malaysia bank clients.

This is a dynamic video that showcases all of the different features that Standard Chartered has. These can be easily accessed through their app on a phone or through their website on a computer.

The video’s content focuses on a family and how they all have different lifestyles. Each lifestyle is easily covered by all of the banking services that Standard Chartered offers.

No matter what lifestyle or what age group you belong to, the video was able to show that Standard Chartered has everything that you will need without even having to visit their physical branch.

Video Link:

2. United Overseas Bank

United Overseas Bank is a Singaporean multinational bank with branches found in mostly Southeast Asian countries. One of the videos that the bank created is an emotional story about a son and his father.

The son always accompanies his father as he buys timber and every time, the father hands someone an envelope. The story jumps to when the son is a teen and then eventually when he becomes a father as well.

The son finally confronts his father and asks him why he always has to give an envelope. This is when the father finally reveals to his son that the money in the envelope that he gives out is actually being used to plant more trees.

This reveal emphasises how much the father cares for the future of the planet and of his family. The video ends with an engaging copy which addresses the viewer that we are all in it for the long run which is a great segue to the bank itself.

Video Link:

3. Citibank

Citibank is an American multinational bank that has over 2,000 branches in 19 countries. This bank had one of their videos focused on their rewards card and has a humorous approach which delighted audiences.

The video’s story focuses on a woman called Sarah. She is obsessed with finding discounts and deals whenever she shops in the mall and even at home. 

After her partner sees this, he gives her the Citibank Rewards card so that she can stop going out of her way just to find the best deals. When she uses the card, all of the discounts and rewards come to her.

This is a lighthearted and funny approach which makes the video more entertaining and with more focus on the benefits that the viewers can get when they apply for a rewards card with Citibank.

Video Link:

4. DBS Bank

DBS Bank is a Singaporean multinational bank. One of their best videos highlights all the different ways you can use their banking app. It is a short video but is packed with a lot of information that is valuable to consumers.

The fast-paced video follows a protagonist as she asks different questions about the capabilities of the DBS app and shows all of the different features it offers. It can even allow users to invest in clean energy funds to help the future of this planet.

What makes this highly effective over other videos is that DBS Bank puts the focus on the consumer and how much convenience their app offers. This is evident with the video’s title where they call their app the banking app to bank less with.

Video Link:

5. Capital One

Capital One is an American bank company with operations that are primarily in the United States. As a top bank in the country, they established themselves as industry leaders by creating a series of explainer videos that talk about loans that they are offering.

They created an animated explainer video about a simple interest loan. This is a great way to educate consumers while also promoting their own simple interest loan offerings to those that are interested.

The animation makes the information a lot easier to understand. It also makes the video more engaging because of the visual mix of 2D and 3D animation used.

These explainer videos are videos that every bank needs to create because this makes your videos more valuable by being informative, but they are also a great way to promote your offerings indirectly.

Video Link:

6. OCBC Bank

OCBC Bank is a Singaporean multinational bank and one of their videos puts a spotlight on Singaporean comedian and actor, Gurmit Singh. The video tells the imperfect journey that the actor went through to achieve all of his goals.

In the video, Gurmit Singh takes a look back at his humble beginnings and how difficult life was for him and his family financially. The scenes are done creatively as the adult Gurmit looks like he is physically present in all of the scenes he experienced in the past.

This is a more dramatic look at the actor’s life who made a name for himself through comedy. The irony of his situation makes the video more emotional and personal for the viewer.

OCBC told the story of this imperfect journey to let viewers know that it can be easier with some help from their bank and the OCBC LIfe Goals services that they offer.

Video Link:

7. JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase is an American multinational investment bank. They created a series of videos on their YouTube channel called “Unpacked” which educates consumers about developments in the financial and banking industry.

These videos do a good job of establishing them as a top bank in the industry. Providing these insights to the viewers through these in-depth 5-minute videos keep them informed while also helping them learn more about their company.

Even though the information and the topics they talk about are complex, the animation and the narration make it easy for the average viewer to understand all of the important points.

Video Link:

8. Barclays

Barclays is a British multinational bank and one of their videos is a behind-the-scenes video of their global head office in Canary Wharf, London.

The video puts a spotlight on different types of team members that are working in the office building. They go through how everything operates on a daily basis as they start from the early morning until the end of the day.

Behind-the-scenes videos are another great concept that every bank should have because it gives consumers a better idea of how your bank operates. This gives you an opportunity to showcase the more human side of your company and can also encourage people who are interested in working for you.

Video Link:

All of these videos are different in their own way and have their own significance and importance for a bank that wants to have a solid video marketing plan. If your bank is looking to create your own effective videos, then our team at fewStones can help you out.

When you work with fewStones, you will have access to experienced video professionals who possess all of the knowledge and skills to help you create the best bank and financial videos.

Our video production services include live action videos, 2D animation videos, and 3D animation videos which are all suitable video types for your bank. You can get a free instant quote on all of our video production services by clicking here.

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