creative interview video

How to Produce a Creative Interview Video

creative interview video

Interview videos can sometimes be a hit or miss. There are times when the natural light is not good, the background is meh, or the overall conversation is boring. It happens. But one thing we can control is the foundation of good video production for a creative interview video: location, lighting, equipment, and more.

In this article, we will unlock the essential steps for producing a creative interview video. Let’s start!

1. Define Your Vision

The first and most important one is to clarify the purpose and objectives of your interview video. What’s the story you want to tell? Who are you trying to reach? Knowing this will steer every decision you make from here on out.

For example, if you’re interviewing a local chef to highlight their unique culinary skills, your purpose might be to showcase their expertise and attract food enthusiasts in your community. Your objective could be to increase awareness of their restaurant and drive more customers to visit. In this case, your target audience would be local food lovers, potential restaurant-goers, and maybe even culinary students looking for inspiration.

With this clear vision, you’ll decide to:

  • Focus on visually appealing shots of the chef preparing signature dishes.
  • Ask questions about the chef’s background, their passion for cooking, and what makes their cuisine unique.
  • Choose a location that highlights the ambiance of the restaurant.
  • Plan to distribute the video on local community websites, social media platforms frequented by food enthusiasts, and perhaps even culinary blogs.

2. Research and Preparation

Next, dive deep into your topic and interviewee(s). Arm yourself with a solid list of questions, but stay open to where the conversation naturally flows. The more prepared you are, the more fluid and interesting the interview will be.

For instance, if you’re interviewing a tech entrepreneur about their latest innovation, research their background, previous projects, and the specifics of the new technology. Prepare questions that cover the origins of their idea, the challenges they faced, and the potential impact of their innovation. This preparation allows you to guide the conversation effectively while being open to unexpected, insightful responses.

Tips for Questions in Interviews

  • Start with Icebreakers: Begin with simple, non-threatening questions to help your interviewee relax.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage detailed responses by asking questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
  • Follow Up on Interesting Points: Be ready to dive deeper into unexpected but interesting topics that arise during the conversation.
  • Avoid Leading Questions: Let the interviewee express their true thoughts without steering them towards a specific answer.
  • Be Concise: Keep questions clear and to the point to avoid confusion.
  • Balance Between Prepared and Spontaneous Questions: Use your list of prepared questions as a guide, but allow room for spontaneous questions based on the flow of the conversation.
  • Listen Actively: Show genuine interest in their responses, which can help generate more thoughtful and in-depth answers.
  • End on a Positive Note: Conclude with questions that allow the interviewee to reflect on their achievements or share their future aspirations.

3. Choose a Suitable Location for your Creative Interview Video

Find a suitable location that enhances your story. Whether it’s a bustling café, a tranquil park, or a sleek office, the location should add to the narrative. Ensure good lighting, minimal noise, and a visually appealing background.

If you’re interviewing an artist about their creative process, consider filming in their studio surrounded by their artwork. This setting not only provides a visually stimulating backdrop but also adds authenticity to the interview. Ensure the location has adequate lighting to highlight the artist and their work and minimize background noise to keep the focus on the conversation.

Good Options for Locations

  • Artist’s Studio: Ideal for interviews with artists, showcasing their work and creative environment.
  • Café or Coffee Shop: Perfect for casual, informal interviews with a cozy ambiance.
  • Office or Boardroom: Suitable for professional interviews with business leaders or corporate subjects.
  • Outdoor Park or Garden: Great for interviews related to nature, wellness, or a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Library or Bookstore: Excellent for interviews with authors, scholars, or intellectuals.
  • Home or Personal Space: Provides a personal touch for intimate interviews or lifestyle subjects.
  • Event Venues: Captures the energy and context of interviews conducted at conferences, exhibitions, or live events.
  • Historical or Cultural Sites: Adds depth and context to interviews related to history, culture, or heritage.
  • Co-working Spaces: Offers a modern and dynamic backdrop for start-ups or creative professionals.

4. Set Up Your Equipment

Get your camera, lighting, and audio gear ready to rock. Test everything beforehand to avoid technical glitches. If possible, use multiple cameras to capture different angles for a more engaging final product.

For example, if you’re interviewing a fitness trainer, set up your equipment to capture dynamic shots. Use a primary camera for a steady, head-on angle and a secondary camera to capture action shots of the trainer demonstrating exercises. Ensure your lighting highlights the trainer without casting harsh shadows, and use a quality microphone to capture clear audio, especially in a potentially noisy gym environment.

Essential Equipment for Creative Interview Videos

  1. Cameras:
  • Primary camera for main shots
  • Secondary camera for different angles or B-roll
  1. Microphones:
  • Lavalier (lapel) microphones for clear audio from interviewees
  • Shotgun microphones for directional sound capture
  • Handheld microphones for on-the-go interviews
  1. Lighting:
  • Softbox lights for even, flattering illumination
  • Ring lights for close-up shots
  • Reflectors to manage natural light and fill shadows
  1. Tripods and Stabilizers:
  • Tripods for stable, stationary shots
  • Gimbals or stabilizers for smooth, dynamic footage
  1. Audio Recorders:
  • Portable audio recorders for backup and higher-quality sound capture
  1. Headphones:
  • To monitor audio quality during recording
  1. Backdrop and Props:
  • Portable backdrops for consistent, professional backgrounds
  • Props relevant to the interview subject to add visual interest
  1. Additional Accessories:
  • Extra batteries and memory cards
  • Cable organizers to manage wires
  • Lens cleaning kits to maintain camera clarity

5. Proper Lighting

Proper lighting is crucial for creating a professional-looking interview video. Natural light can be great, but it’s often unpredictable. Use softbox lights or ring lights to create an even, flattering light on your interviewee’s face. Avoid harsh shadows and ensure the lighting matches the mood of the video.

For instance, if you’re interviewing a startup founder in their office, position softbox lights at a 45-degree angle on either side of the camera to create balanced lighting. If you’re outside, consider using a reflector to direct natural light onto your interviewee’s face and fill in shadows.

Tips for Effective Lighting in Creative Interview Videos

  • Use Soft Light: Soft light creates a flattering, even illumination on the subject’s face. Diffusers, softboxes, or umbrellas can help achieve this effect.
  • Control Shadows: Position lights to minimize unwanted shadows on the subject and background. Adjust the intensity and angle of your fill light as needed.
  • Match the Mood: Adjust the color temperature of your lights to match the mood of the interview. Warm light creates a cozy, inviting feel, while cool light can be more clinical and professional.
  • Consider the Environment: Adapt your lighting setup to the location, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. Use practical lights to enhance the natural ambiance of the setting.
  • Experiment and Adjust: Test different lighting setups and make adjustments based on the specific needs of the interview. Use light meters or cameras with good dynamic range to ensure proper exposure.

6. Encourage Natural Conversation

Make your interviewee feel at ease to get the most authentic responses. Use open-ended questions and listen actively. Let the conversation flow naturally, even if it strays from your script.

Suppose you’re interviewing a musician about their new album. Start with light, open-ended questions about their musical influences and recent experiences. Listen actively and show genuine interest in their responses. If they share an unexpected story about a song’s inspiration, follow that thread. This approach helps your interviewee relax and leads to more engaging and authentic content.

7. Capture Compelling Footage

Focus on interesting visuals, including expressions and body language. Shoot from various angles and take multiple shots to give yourself flexibility during editing. Don’t be afraid to try creative shots to keep things visually stimulating.

For instance, if you’re interviewing a fashion designer, capture close-ups of their hands as they work on a garment, wide shots of their workspace, and medium shots of them discussing their designs. These varied shots will keep your video visually interesting and provide ample material for dynamic editing.

8. Edit and Enhance your Creative Interview Video

Sort through your footage and choose the best clips. Use editing techniques like cuts, transitions, and overlays to keep viewers engaged. Pay attention to pacing and audio balance, and add finishing touches like color grading and sound mixing to polish your video.

Imagine you’ve recorded an interview with an environmental activist. During editing, intersperse clips of them speaking with footage of the natural landscapes they’re working to protect. Use smooth transitions and overlay relevant statistics or quotes to reinforce their message. Ensure the video flows smoothly, maintains a good pace, and the audio is clear and balanced.


Creating a creative interview video doesn’t have to be an ordeal. By following these eight easy steps and sticking to the basics, you can produce interviews that are not only watchable but also compelling. So, get out there, let your creativity shine, and start making interview videos that stand out from the crowd. 

Key Takeaways

  • Establish a clear purpose and target audience for your video.
  • Thoroughly prepare interview questions to guide the conversation effectively.
  • Select a visually appealing and noise-free setting.
  • Ensure your camera, lighting, and audio gear are ready to go.
  • Use reliable lighting to create a professional look.
  • Make your interviewee comfortable for authentic responses.
  • Use varied shots to keep the video visually interesting.
  • Polish your video with thoughtful editing and sound mixing.

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