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Where To Find a Professional Corporate Video Production Company in Singapore: Top 6 Places

If you need corporate videos for your business but don’t know how to create them, you’re probably searching for a professional corporate video production company in Singapore to lend a hand. But where do you start looking? In this article, we’ve rounded up the top 6 places you can check out.

Google Search

When you’re on the hunt for professional corporate video production companies in Singapore, Google Search is your trusty ally. It’s a straightforward and widely accessible tool that allows you to discover a wide array of video production companies operating in Singapore.

  • Begin by typing relevant keywords like “professional video production company in Singapore” into the Google search bar.
  • Review the search results provided by Google, which will include a variety of companies and directories.
  • Click on the search results to explore different websites of video production companies.
  • Take note of companies that seem to align with your needs and preferences.
  • Further refine your search by exploring additional pages of search results or adjusting your search keywords if necessary.
  • Once you’ve identified potential partners, visit their websites or contact them directly for more information and to discuss your project requirements.

2. Industry Directories and Listings

When you’re on the lookout for professional corporate video production companies in Singapore, industry directories and listings can be your go-to resource. These platforms gather information about various service providers, making it easier for you to explore your options and find the perfect fit for your specific requirements.

Exploring Industry Directories and Listings:

  • Start by browsing through specialized industry directories and listings designed to showcase media and production services in Singapore.
  • Look for platforms like “MediaBUZZ” that compile comprehensive lists of video production companies in the region.
  • Navigate through the directory to find detailed profiles of different video production companies, including their specialties, past projects, and contact information.
  • Take advantage of the centralized nature of these directories to streamline your search process and identify potential partners efficiently.
  • Consider factors such as the company’s expertise, portfolio, and client testimonials as you evaluate your options.
  • Reach out to promising companies directly through the contact information provided in the directory to initiate further discussions about your project needs.

3. Freelance Platforms

Freelance Platform: Upwork

When searching for a corporate video production company in Singapore, consider exploring freelance platforms. These platforms provide access to a diverse pool of talented individuals and companies offering video production services on a freelance basis, offering flexibility and variety for your project needs.

How to Search for Corporate Video Production on Freelance Platform:

  • Begin by visiting popular freelance platforms such as “Upwork” and “”
  • Use the search filters to narrow down your options based on criteria such as location, expertise, and budget.
  • Explore the profiles of freelance videographers and production companies, paying attention to their portfolios and client reviews.
  • Reach out to potential candidates directly through the platform’s messaging system to discuss your project requirements in detail.
  • Consider scheduling interviews or video calls to further evaluate candidates and ensure they are the right fit for your project.
  • Once you’ve found a suitable candidate, finalize the terms of the project and begin collaborating to bring your vision to life.

4. Social Media Channels and Groups 

Social Media: LinkedIn

Social media platforms offer another avenue for discovering professional corporate video production companies in Singapore. By leveraging social media channels and joining relevant groups, businesses can tap into a network of industry professionals, gather recommendations, and explore potential partnerships.

How to Look for Corporate Video Production on Social Media:

  • Start by joining industry-specific groups and communities on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Engage with fellow members by participating in discussions, asking for recommendations, and sharing your project requirements.
  • Follow professional video production companies and industry influencers on social media platforms to stay updated on their latest projects and announcements.
  • Utilize hashtags related to video production and Singapore-specific keywords to discover relevant content and connections.
  • Reach out to individuals or companies directly through private messages or comments to inquire about their services and availability.
  • Consider attending virtual or in-person networking events organized by industry associations or professional groups to further expand your network and connections within the video production community.

5. Events and Conferences

Events and Conferences

Attending industry events and conferences presents valuable opportunities to connect with professional corporate video production companies in Singapore. These events bring together industry professionals, showcase the latest trends and technologies, and provide networking opportunities for businesses seeking video production services.

How to Connect with Professional Video Productions on Events and Conferences:

  • Keep an eye out for upcoming industry events and conferences related to media, advertising, and video production in Singapore.
  • Register to attend events such as the Singapore Media Festival, Advertising Week Asia, or industry-specific conferences organized by professional associations.
  • Participate in panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions to engage with industry experts and potential partners.
  • Bring along your business cards and promotional materials to exchange with other attendees and companies.
  • Follow up with contacts made during the event to continue the conversation and explore potential collaborations or partnerships.

6. Recommendations 


Word-of-mouth recommendations from peers, colleagues, and industry contacts can be invaluable when searching for professional corporate video production companies in Singapore. Leveraging recommendations allows businesses to tap into trusted networks and access firsthand insights into the quality and reliability of potential partners.

How to Find a Professional Video Production Company Through Recommendations:

  • Reach out to colleagues, business associates, and industry contacts who have experience working with video production companies in Singapore.
  • Ask for recommendations based on their past experiences, including the quality of work, communication, and professionalism of the companies they’ve worked with.
  • Attend industry networking events, meetups, and conferences to expand your network and gather recommendations from fellow professionals.
  • Utilize online platforms such as LinkedIn to request recommendations from connections who have relevant experience or expertise in the video production industry.
  • Consider joining online forums or discussion groups focused on media, advertising, or video production to seek recommendations from a wider audience.
  • Once you’ve received recommendations, conduct further research by reviewing the recommended companies’ portfolios, client testimonials, and online presence to ensure they align with your project requirements and expectations.


With a wide array of options to explore, finding the best professional corporate video production company in Singapore is within reach. All it takes is a little research and consideration. While the list may seem long, each place offers unique opportunities to discover the perfect fit for your needs. So, dive in and start your search – happy exploring!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why should I consider hiring a professional corporate video production company in Singapore?

Professional video production companies can help you create high-quality videos that effectively convey your message and enhance your brand image. They have the expertise, equipment, and resources to produce polished videos that engage your audience and achieve your business objectives.

How do I determine which video production company is the right fit for my project?

Consider factors such as the company’s portfolio, expertise, client testimonials, and pricing. It’s also important to communicate your project requirements and expectations clearly to ensure alignment with the chosen company.

What types of corporate videos can I expect a professional production company in Singapore to create?

Professional production companies in Singapore can create a wide range of corporate videos, including promotional videos, product demonstrations, training videos, event coverage, and testimonial videos. They can tailor their services to meet your specific needs and objectives.

How much does it typically cost to hire a professional corporate video production company in Singapore?

The cost of hiring a video production company in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, duration of the video, equipment required, and level of customization. It’s best to request quotes from multiple companies and compare their offerings before making a decision.

What steps should I take after selecting a video production company for my project?

Once you’ve chosen a video production company, you’ll need to finalize the details of the project, including the scope, timeline, and budget. Be sure to communicate clearly with the company throughout the production process and provide feedback as needed to ensure the final product meets your expectations.

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