iPhone video

Why marketers should jump on the Vertical Mobile Video bandwagon

Quick, tell me how often do you go on Facebook or Instagram? If you are an avid user scrolling through these social platforms on your smartphone, you’ll probably know that vertical mobile videos are taking the content universe by storm, as opposed to 16:9 horizontal videos.

While vertical mobile videos were unwelcome during its introduction (especially before Instagram Stories or Live streaming), it is now the new normal. People are now comfortable with slim, vertical viewing and are also lazier to flip their phones.

As marketers, here are some reasons why you should jump on this bandwagon for your upcoming corporate video production in Singapore.

“Interaction with mobile devices have surpassed desktop video viewing. Users hold their phones vertically by default.”

People hold their phones vertically by default

At least 96%, that is. If you’re in advertising, you will know very well that advertising follows where the eyeballs are. With the majority of the world holding their phones vertically, it only makes sense for the platforms to cater to this format.

We can see that social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok, build their Stories feature for the vertical world.

Your vertical mobile video ads can convert better

How often do you flip the phone just to watch a 30-second video ad? “Vertical videos see a 90% higher completion rate compared to horizontal videos.” As mobile ad platform Verve found, they believe this is because less than 30% of users will turn their phones to the side to watch an ad.

Logically, it makes sense and we probably fall into the majority. Unless we are going to watch an entire Netflix episode on their phones, people tend to scroll through their feed with a vertical view.

Are vertical mobile videos definitely better than the 16:9 format?

We believe that as far as vertical mobiles can gain traction in the mobile-first world today, video content has always been traditionally produced for the big screen – which is horizontal. In your marketing strategy, you should definitely not rule out horizontal videos for they still stand superior when showing scenes with more than one person involved, includes dynamics or provides a landscape view of a property.

The key for marketers is to then decide on the appropriate channels to distribute video content suited for each one – whether horizontal or vertical mobile video.

Looking for corporate video production in Singapore for your next marketing campaign? Contact us or fill up a form to get an instant quote!

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