Wisdom in 10 minutes - fewStones' Favourite Book Summaries

While we love books, we also understand that not everybody has time to sit down and read a book from front to end. Hence, we partner up with Readitfor.me team to bring you, our newsletter subscribers, the summaries of our favourite books! These videos covers the gist of the books in 10-15 minutes.

Did you know, our body language accounts for 55% of how our message is perceived. The tone of voice accounts for 38%, and only 7% of the message is determined by the word we choose. In Winning Body Language, Mark Bowden discussed some great tips on how to use our hands, facial expressions, tone and more when we communicate.

We’ve learned a great deal from the book and hope that it will be helpful for you too!

Winning Body Language by Mark Bowden


Stay tuned for more interesting books!

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